Source code for pyrobot.browser

Robotic browser

import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Tag

from pyrobot.compat import urlparse, string_types
from . import helpers
from .forms.form import Form

class RoboError(Exception): pass

_link_ptn = re.compile('^(a|button)$', re.I)
_form_ptn = re.compile('^form$', re.I)

[docs]class RoboState(object): """Representation of a browser state. Wraps the browser and response, and lazily parses the response content. """ def __init__(self, browser, response): self.browser = browser self.response = response self.url = response.url self._parsed = None @property
[docs] def parsed(self): """Lazily parse response content, using HTML parser specified by the browser. """ if self._parsed is None: self._parsed = BeautifulSoup( self.response.content, features=self.browser.parser, ) return self._parsed
[docs]class RoboBrowser(object): """Robotic web browser.""" def __init__(self, auth=None, parser=None, headers=None, user_agent=None, history=True): """RoboBrowser constructor. :param tuple auth: Tuple of (username, password) :param str parser: HTML parser; used by BeautifulSoup :param dict headers: Default headers :param str user_agent: Default user-agent :param history: History length; infinite if True, 1 if falsy, else takes integer value """ self.session = requests.Session() # Add default basic auth if auth: self.session.auth = auth # Add default headers headers = headers or {} if user_agent is not None: headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent self.parser = parser # Configure history self.history = history if history is True: self._maxlen = None elif not history: self._maxlen = 1 else: self._maxlen = history self._states = [] self._cursor = -1 def __repr__(self): try: return '<RoboBrowser url={0}>'.format(self.url) except RoboError: return '<RoboBrowser>' @property def state(self): if self._cursor == -1: raise RoboError('No state') try: return self._states[self._cursor] except IndexError: raise RoboError('Index out of range') @property def response(self): return self.state.response @property def url(self): return self.state.url @property def parsed(self): return self.state.parsed @property def find(self): try: return self.parsed.find except AttributeError: raise RoboError @property def find_all(self): try: return self.parsed.find_all except AttributeError: raise RoboError @property def select(self): try: return except AttributeError: raise RoboError def _build_url(self, url): """Build absolute URL. :param url: Full or partial URL :return: Full URL """ return urlparse.urljoin( self.url, url )
[docs] def open(self, url): """Open a URL. :param str url: URL """ response = self.session.get(url) self._update_state(response)
def _update_state(self, response): """Update the state of the browser. Create a new state object, and append to or overwrite the browser's state history. :param requests.Response: New response object """ # Clear trailing states self._states = self._states[:self._cursor + 1] # Append new state state = RoboState(self, response) self._states.append(state) self._cursor += 1 # Clear leading states if self._maxlen: decrement = len(self._states) - self._maxlen if decrement > 0: self._states = self._states[decrement:] self._cursor -= decrement def _traverse(self, n=1): """Traverse state history. Used by `back` and `forward` methods. :param int n: Cursor increment. Positive values move forward in the browser history; negative values move backward. """ if not self.history: raise RoboError('Not tracking history') cursor = self._cursor + n if cursor >= len(self._states) or cursor < 0: raise RoboError('Index out of range') self._cursor = cursor
[docs] def back(self, n=1): """Go back in browser history. :param int n: Number of pages to go back """ self._traverse(-1 * n)
[docs] def forward(self, n=1): """Go forward in browser history. :param int n: Number of pages to go forward """ self._traverse(n)
[docs] def get_form(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): """Find form by ID, as well as standard BeautifulSoup arguments. :param str id: Form ID :return: BeautifulSoup tag if found, else None """ if id: kwargs['id'] = id form = self.find(_form_ptn, *args, **kwargs) if form is not None: return Form(form)
[docs] def get_forms(self, *args, **kwargs): """Find forms by standard BeautifulSoup arguments. :return: List of BeautifulSoup tags """ forms = self.find_all(_form_ptn, *args, **kwargs) return [ Form(form) for form in forms ]
[docs] def submit_form(self, form): """Submit a form. :param Form form: Filled-out form object """ # Get HTTP verb func = getattr(self.session, form.method.lower()) # Send request url = self._build_url(form.action) or self.url data = form.serialize() response = func(url, **data) # Update history self._update_state(response)

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